Prošlo je tri meseca od tragedije u Novom Sadu, kada se sa renovirane zgrade Železničke stanice srušila nadstrešnica koja je ubila petnaestoro ljudi i teško ranila dvoje. Tim povodom, studenti danas organizuju protest. Protest je miran, građanski i organizovan, a kako je ranije saopšteno [...]
This blog post reports live on a student-organized protest in Novi Sad, Serbia, three months after the collapse of a walkway at the train station killed 15 people.
The main conceptual idea is that the protest, characterized as peaceful and civil, aims to maintain pressure on authorities for accountability concerning the tragedy and its underlying causes, likely suggesting a wider issue of corruption and negligence.
This blog post reports live on a student-organized protest in Novi Sad, Serbia, three months after the collapse of a walkway at the train station killed 15 people. The main conceptual idea is that the protest, characterized as peaceful and civil, aims to maintain pressure on authorities for accountability concerning the tragedy and its underlying causes, likely suggesting a wider issue of corruption and negligence.